Medical Design Co., Ltd.メディカルデザイン株式会社

サービス Service

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Medical Design separates itself from the rest because of its specialization on medical industry and the important role taken in working with general hospitals. This fact allows us to guide our projects with complete confidence in their results.

メディカルデザインのWeb構築 4つの強み

  • 1 医療特化ならではの提案力 医療業界に精通したスタッフが、医師・看護師採用、経営の効率化などご要望に合わせ、専門的な視点でご提案します。
  • 2 高品質なWebサイト構築  企画設計・デザイン・システム構築などすべての工程においてクオリティを追求します。
  • 3 提案型のサイト運用 日々のメンテナンスのみに留まらず、 アクセス解析等で定期的に再検討を行い、効果的な改善提案をさせていただきます。
  • 4 豊富な構築実績 病院サイトを中心に○○サイト以上の構築実績。多数のお客様に、メンテナンス契約していただいております。


Medical Design’s core is made of projects of all scales, like Hospitals and Welfare for instance, but always involved in the medical industry.

Hospital sites

We prepare everything to the last detail, analyze the current situation, we gather information thoroughly from specific medical departments and family doctor, all is a very precise way. It is possible to ass CMS to your specialized site.


Company sites

Appealing design for your business Website. Is possible to collaborate with companies in our medical industry network.

On-line shops

On-line market website development, where our network with the medical industry is valuable from the planning stages.


Constant follow-up and maintenance

Once the project is finalized, we focus on analyzing the performance of the site and keep working to implement the website in scheduled intervals. We also work on renovation and general interaction. The use of these services is also available over websites already created by another company.

  • インターネットでのご相談・お見積りはこちら お見積もり・ご相談フォーム
  • お電話でのご相談・お見積りはこちら 03-5244-5906 平日 10:00〜19:00